Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Bentley had her MRI and MRA done today to look at her brain and heart. We will hopefully have the results tomorrow. Sometimes, it takes a couple of days to get results. Her chest tube had to be turned on because she has a little build up of fluid seen on a chest x-ray. The surgeon is so sweet and has been by twice in the past 4 hours to assure us that all is well and she is closely watching Bentley's x-rays and the fluid build up. Tomorrow, hopefully, Bentley can be extubated. When she gets off of the ventilator I think she will heal faster.
She is so beautiful. She is our precious sleeping beauty. We are by her side all day. The nurses don't seem to mind. The night nurses even read her good-night stories.
Her cardiologist also came by today. He is really nice. He re-assured us that Bentley's heart is ok. Daddy Shawn told her that her unique anatomy just gives her super powers:)


  1. Jamie & Shawn,

    Bentley is so beautiful! I am so happy to hear that she is recovering well. We spent a week in the NICU with our 2nd grandson-I know it's scary, but you are in good hands-good nurses, doctors and other staff, but more importantly, a loving and caring and mighty God. Ya'll please let me know if you need anything-Love you, Renae

  2. Jamie and Shawn,

    What a precious gift the two of you have been given!! Bentley is so adorable! You guys are continually in my thoughts and prayers. I cannot wait until this is a distant memory for you all, something that you scrapbook for Bentley to see one day as you tell her about her miraculous entrance into this world. I will continue to pray and be excited for wonderful updates!!!!

  3. Hey you guys,
    I wish I could be there to offer my love and support, but I am there in spirit!!!
    We have been watching the blog anxiously every day. We love you very much and can't wait to meet Ms. Bentley!!!
    Sarah and David

  4. Jamie,

    I just want you to know my thoughts and prayers are with you. Take care of yourself and your beautiful baby girl.

    Love you,
    Mary (from ACU)

  5. Jamie,
    I am a friend of Carrie Hardin's and have been praying for you, Shawn and your sweet baby girl. Carrie gave me this blog address and I just wanted you to know that I'm keeping up with you and praying. I have two speial needs little girls and I know how hard it is to have so many unknowns. Sending you hugs and praying for God's strength to be with you.
    -Mandy Harris

  6. Jamie and Shawn,
    Trina and I are thinking of you everyday. You're
    all in our prayers. Bentley is beautiful!
    your pal

  7. Good morning precious granddaughter! GeGe is thinking of you today and can't wait to be back there on Friday! We have LOTS of rocking, and reading, and singing, and playing ahead of us baby girl! So, get stronger because you could not possibly be any prettier! GeGe has lots of lovely bows for your beautiful dark hair!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    My love to our wonderful Jamie, Shawn, and darling baby!

    GeGe and Poppy

  8. Jamie and Shawn,

    Bentley is so beautiful!! Ross and I are praying for all of you. We hope Bentley makes a speedy recovery and is able to come home soon.

    Amanda and Ross Wolfenden

  9. Our beautiful Bentley is 1 week old today, my how time is flying by! We can not wait for all 3 of you to get home.

    You three are in our thoughts every second of every day!

    I will be there on Friday and simply can not wait!

    All of our Love,
    Grammy, Grandad, Uncle Jake, Travis and Anna
