Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Good news!!!

Bentley's MRA of her heart and MRI of her brain show no immediate problems:) She does not have a complete vascular ring, which is excellent news!!! She will still have to follow up with a cardiologist every so often for the rest of her life, but that is OK with us. They will keep an eye on her missing pulmonary vein, PFO, and VSD.
She is still intubated. They are taking chest x-rays twice a day to watch the build-up of fluid/air in her pleural cavity. The fluid/air in her chest is indicative that her trachea might have a leak. We should hear this afternoon whether or not she does have the suspected leak.
I'm so proud of her. She's much more active today than in previous days. They are weaning her off of the morphine and are hopeful to extubate soon. Well, I just had to update this and tell you guys the good news about her MRI's. We are sooooo happy and proud of her:) I've got to get back to my angel though:)


  1. That is wonderful news!! I will keep sending out good vibes for you guys!

  2. Sweet!!! Thinking of u guys daily... Give that beautiful baby kisses from her cath lab aunt lol! Can't wait to meet her n kiss her sweet face


  3. That's great!!! So glad to hear the good news! Keep it coming!
