Sunday, January 24, 2010

Sunday, January 24, 2010

The good news for the day is that Bentley's aortic arch is fine. The Radiologist said that it was a glitch in the system that made the image appear inaccurate. Bentley just rested today. She needed the time to heal. She is up to 21 ml thru her feeding tube:) Other than that all is quiet in the NICU.


  1. That is Great News! Love and Kisses to all 3 of you! Grammy

  2. Good morning precious Bentley, Jamie, and Shawn! It was soooo hard for GeGe to leave on Sunday afternoon! Bentley, you were looking right into my eyes and I think maybe my hair was in place. Hope GeGe did not look too scary to you!

    Poppy and GeGe are thinking of you every minute and counting the hours until we can see you again! Get stronger little princess! Your tiara awaits!

    Love and kisses - GeGe
