Just a little bit of a setback today. Bentley is not swallowing. So, she is unable to take a bottle. Our little darlin is still recovering from MAJOR throat surgery. I'm positive she has the worst sore throat in history. She is getting milk thru her NG tube. We worked with her for a few hours on how to take a pacifier. I think once she has that down maybe it will make taking a bottle easier. She has a really hard time controlling her jaw and tongue. I would too if I had been in a coma for 7 days. The docs want to take a break for a few days and then start back on bottle feeds next week. We will just go at her pace. There is no hurry. We just want her to be happy, healthy, and doctor approved.
Her neonatologist, Dr.Arrington, showed us her 3D MRA images of her heart. I'm not a radiologist or anything but I noticed she has at least a 50% narrowing of her aortic arch. SOoo, I've requested to speak to a Radiologist personally and have them explain the images better. Even Dr.Arrington agreed that it looked stenosed.
Other than that, our little girl is more alert and definately more fussy. However, I don't think you will ever meet two other parents more eager to hear their baby cry. It is music to our ears.
It was such a joy to see our precious little angel this weekend! I have only been home 2 hours and already can not wait to get back down there next weekend... We love her soooo much.. Hang in there, I know it seems like she has been at ACH forever but before we know it you will all be going home and what a Great day that will be...I love all 3 of you dearly and think of you every second of every day!! Grammy