Monday, January 18, 2010

Monday, January 18, 2010

No new developments really for today. Bentley will hopefully have an MRA of her heart and an MRI of her brain tomorrow. Her brain is a little swollen so the docs want to make sure that there is nothing to worry about there. She had one of her IVs and her foley catheter removed. I never thought I'd be so happy to see a baby's wet diaper:) She is sleeping soundly still but whenever her medicine starts wearing off I get to see a glimpse of my daughter's spirit. She'll shake her little head and wave her hand. It's like she's trying to say, "It's OK Mom and Dad, I'll be alright!"


  1. We are so excited to hear that one of the IV's and the Catheter has been removed!!

    It will not be long before you both will be able to hold and rock your Precious Bentley for hours on end, I can not wait to do that myself!

    Hang in there and stay strong. Bentley has the most Awsome Parents in the world, and we are so Very Proud of you!

    Love you -- Grammy

  2. Jamie, Shawn, and most of all, Bentley --
    I hope you know that you are surrounded with prayer by many, many people. What a beautiful little who is going to WOW the world in her lifetime! May God bless you deeply and hold you securely in the palm of His hand...Mary M

  3. Good morning Bentley! Although GeGe is working today, I am thinking of you every minute, treasuring your swwet little face in my heart! Poppy will be there today so expect a visit from a tall guy in boots!

    We love you and I'll see you on Friday precious baby girl!


  4. Okay you three, I might not know you very well thus far, but I do know that I believe in prayer. I sent this link to my mom, who is the best prayer warrior I know. I love you guys and can't wait to meet Bentley in person!

    Lots of hugs, Kristen
