Bentley Paige Ramson made her appearance into this world on Wednesday, January 13th, at 11:48 pm. She weighed 6 lbs. exactly and 19 inches long. Her wonderful nurse noticed that "something wasn't right." Bentley appeared BEAUTIFUL and healthy but she needed contstant suction from her mouth and nostrils. The staff attempted to put a suction catheter down her throat and hit a blockage of some sort. A barium swallow indicated that Bentley had a separated esophagus. She had a top piece and a bottom piece and a 1.25" gap in between the two. Also, the bottom section of her esophagus had created a fistula to her trachea. At 6 am on Thursday, January 14, the doctor informed us that Bentley would be flown to Children's Hospital in Little Rock. Shawn and her Grammy, Jacque, went to Children's with her. I stayed in Fayetteville. Bentley underwent surgery on Friday to repair her esophagus and disconnect the fistula. Surgery was successful.
Today is Saturday. We are all here together. I arrived in Little Rock this morning and am so relieved to get to kiss my sweet baby. She is heavily sedated and will be or a few days while her body recovers from major operation.
In the mean while, many tests have been ran on Ms.Bentley. Usually, a malformation like hers is indicative of other issues. She has edema of her brain and kidneys. Also, her anatomy is very unique. She has two superior vena cava, and only one pulmonary vein on her right lung. She also has a ventricular septal defect and a patent foramen ovale. All of these issues are MINOR.
There is another issue that has us concerned however. Bentley has a "vascular ring." This will more than likely require surgery. Tomorrow, they will perform a MRI and be able to better explain what's going on. Right now, I'm exhausted and don't have to much more information to give everyone. We are so grateful and thankful for everyone's thoughts, prayers, and support through this very difficult time. We plan to be a Children's for a few weeks. I'll keep this updated almost every day with new pictures and information.
Bentley is the greatest thing that Shawn and I have ever done. We literally created an angel.
She is amazing and I can't wait for you to meet her:)