Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Bentley had a very successful day!!

Yesterday she had a lot of difficulty eating. So today, the Occupational Therapist and her Neonatologist decided to thicken her milk. She then took three consecutive 36mL feeds. She took each of these in 7 minutes or less. This is absolutely WONDERFUL!!! It's so nice to see her enjoy a meal and not have to struggle. Plus, after each meal, she still acts like she's hungry. This is a dream come true for Shawn and I. We are so proud of our strong girl!! Tomorrow, hopefully, they will increase her total to 40mLs.

Also, she is gaining weight very well. She is now up to 7lbs 1oz.

We have played her Baby Einstein Classical Lullabies CD about 200x. Now when she hears Bach or Beethoven she becomes very content and just listens intently. By the way, the scored an A+ on her hearing test:)

1 comment:

  1. Ahh go lil bentley go!!! She will be home in no time as quickly as the beautiful girls progressing!!! Then I will b able to come n hug her up!!! Miss u James !!! Glad to c things r getting better everyday!! Love u guys!!!
