Bentley is doing MARVELOUS!!! We are soooooo blessed. After she woke up from anesthesia yesterday she downed a whole bottle. The nurse practitioner told us that, "That never happens, ever!" Yes, our little girl IS a super-hero. They are talking about us coming home next week. We are so excited but we are not exactly getting our hopes up.
Bentley had to sit in stationary car seat for 3 hours today. They make babies do that to prove they can tolerate the ride home. She passed with flying colors.
She is also adjusting nicely to her wedge. She'll be sleeping on that for the next 6 months or so. Hopefully she will grow out that awful reflux.
Yay for the superhero! Many answered prayers!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations everyone. I am happy Ms. Bentley will be going home. I will miss seeing her beautiful face on her blog. Maybe Aunt Steph will give me a picture. Take care and I am still praying for you guys.
ReplyDeleteJamie, I am so happy for you that your baby is improving so quickly. Tell your mom and dad I asked about them. Ann Smith