We just can't believe how fast time is FLYING!!! Our baby girl is not 6 1/2 months old:) She's rolling, cooing, laughing, eating carrots, holding her bottle, and sitting up!!! She's getting so big. At our last doctor appointment, last week, she weighed 13.95 lbs. Also, she is now 26 inches long. We have a road trip to Children's coming up in a few weeks. However, we are not expecting any surprises. She is doing sooooo good!!! I'm also happy to say she sleeps 8 hours straight every night!
It seems that all we went through to get to this point, namely the first month of her life, is like a foggy memory....and looking back...I think..,"Wow!" We are such a stronger family having experienced every day, even the cloudy ones, to the fullest. Bentley seems to love every moment...she's such a GREAT baby!!